Harmony of the Seas – Ultimate Abyss slide!
Harmony of the Seas
Royal Caribbean has announced the world’s largest cruise ship slide! At a staggering 10-stories high and spiralling down the rear end of the ship, it’s going to take a daredevil to take the plunge!
Harmony of the Seas, due to launch in May 2016 is only 5 months away and the feature list is growing by the week! The twin-slide (shown in purple on the previews) starts off alongside the Flowrider’s on the Pool and Sports Deck and spirals down to the Boardwalk Deck – a staggering 100 feet!
Guests start off 150 feet above sea-level by standing on a clear glass platform! If you still have the guts to continue after looking directly down the 10-storey view to the Aquatheatre, you jump on a mat and let gravity take you down to the Boardwalk!